Code and Convenions

Code and Conventions

Code: Hidden meaning behind a visual or person
Conventions: Stereotypical events or characters


Visual codes are what's indicated to an audience through how the media looks. It's done through how the character or atmosphere looks, colours and conventions used and how they bring meaning. For example, in most western films black is used to portray a character as evil or mysterious because  black is a dark colour; In contrast white is used to show purity and good.

(puss in boots wolf picture)

Other visuals could include conventional attractiveness. Usually the more beautiful female characters are the love interests for the attractive main characters. Ugly people were shown to be more villainous, but recently this has taken a turn where 'ugly' characters are shown to be sympathetic and really attractive on the inside (or outside as well)


Technical conventions are how the media portrays these code, using editing, camera angles, lighting and sounds. This is done to build emotions depending on the genre. For example dramatic films will have close-ups on characters faces to show their facial expressions. 
(Close up of crying eye)

Lighting can be done to set the atmosphere of the film. Darker lighting is mysterious and scary while brighter lighting is welcoming and hopeful.


When acting, setting mise-en-scene and colour are used to display a deeper meaning into a scene. Happiness is commonly symbolized through bright yellows, sunshine and smiles, while sadness is shown through deep blues, rain and crying.
